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Journey To New Land

"20 seconds of courage is all we need " This must be the most real quote I have ever read. If you think about it this actually makes sense, remember the time you were too scared to sit on the roller coaster or too scared to approach the person you like and when you finally got that 20 seconds of courage to hop on that roller coaster it must have turned out to be most exciting ride you ever sat on or approached the one you love and realised it wasn't that hard after all,they are only human.  These little changes, decisions of courage it is what matters at the end. The changes that we make today lead us to a better life.

For someone who hasn't travelled by air until last month it's then I realized what I was missing on for so long. Last year I decided I will travel internationally even if it's going to be alone. As filmy as it might sound I got up one morning and booked my ticket to Abu Dhabi, it was an experience in it self. Before getting to the airport I had a list of things told to do by my relatives. Do this, do that which was very overwhelming but once you're inside the airport all on your own you realize it's not like what others say it's even better each moment is a new and exciting.  
I am a person who can't stay without talking and I think which is very handy at all time.  It is because of this habit I made a new friend.  Now these immigration lines are huge at times and interacting with people around you makes it much better.  This is how I met my new cutest looking friend Yael.  So Yael is traveling to Sri Lanka all alone. She is as excited and nervous as me. It made me realize you are not alone we all are on  journeys to discover our self. It's awesome how we clicked too fast. May be cause we both took the bold step of travelling alone.Later she had to leave and I was all alone again.  
Travelling alone to a different country is when you realised there is so much to yourself. You meet new people it's scary at first but you learn.  That one month that I spent in Abu Dhabi I met people from different countries realising that they are so like me. When you are alone you realise that you finally have the freedom that you always dream about but you sure have way more responsibility. From where you will stay to how much you will spend. There were times I realised I had spent too much money and I had to cut back which I normally never do.  When I am back home with my parents around I know I can always turn around and ask for money from them but when your alone that is not how it's work. There is no one to protect you, each man is on his own. As scary as it was I learned new things.  I became independent now I know I can stay alone, the value of my family and their love is something that I respect  more now.  I know this is something no one can read and understand its something to experience.


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