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Showing posts from June, 2012

Since sex became easier to get, love got harder to find

We live in a world today where  9 out of 10 people are madly in love, people who believe that they have found there soul mate,someone that they want to spend their entire life and have a future with.... I personally am surrounded by friends who have been in relationship for 5-6 year but looking at them I haven’t ever had a feeling that their relationship has grown stronger with time it just feels as if the magic has disappeared, we all have  friends that don’t even know what they want to be in future but are  brave enough to decide the names of the future children and what they want them to become,are these all people kidding them self ?are you kidding yourself??? Do you really think that you are in love..My mother always says love happens once rest is just life.  So do you really think that you have found love??? Or is this what people call infatuation... I ain't here to judge anyone’s love life you'll would know better where your life is going nor am I her...


 All I want to do today is to be someone, someone who doesn't crib over their busy schedule, someone who is happy to start a new day a new beginning, someone who feels blessed enough to get up and see the smiling faces of their family, someone who feels that their wardrobe is a magical land, let's be someone who surprises the whole family by making them breakfast just to see the smile on their faces like they are in the best restaurant in the world. Let’s be someone who is generous enough to smile just to make people believe that today will be a better day. Let’s be someone who doesn't mind being in a train full of people just cause they know that at least they ain't lonely.Let’s be someone who doesn't mind being criticised  just  cause they know that today they will learn something new.Let’s be someone who is willing enough to share love and knowledge just cause they know that life is too short to hide things :)  TODAY LET'S  BE SOMETHING TODAY LET...

The Day I Fall in Love I Will let You Know

Every day I come across people who want to know if I am single or not. Few people try ask about it in a straight forward way "hey are you single?”,  few people try the indirectly way  (ps : hate this )  " so where is your boyfriend?"  and I go like duh I don't have a boy friend . Be it direct or indirect the moment I say I am single everyone has the same reaction “DON'T LIE ” , but people hello why will I lie? What's there to hide? If  I have one I have one, if I don’t have one then I don’t  it’s as simple as that, but we humans don’t like simple things do we ? Complicated things excite us.We love judging others, we try to figure out other people’s love life even though our own love life sucks. Then number of times when I say I am single a lot of people start judging me like “oh may be she wants to keep her relationship a secret” or “oh may be she is relationship phobic” or may be “someone broke her heart and she has lost faith in love” ...