The part about being a teenager is we are finding our way, we all have problems we all are trying to figure out what is the best thing for us. It’s not easy we are going to fail at times, we could even end up disappointing the people that matter to us but the best part about being a teenager is you can always get up the next day and try. We are learning with each day as it is passing by, no one expects us to be perfect no one expects us to be flawless we all make mistakes but the ones that learn from it are the true winners. Being at the losing side is never easy but it sure is not the end of the world, I know it hurts when things don’t work out the way you wish, when people disappoint you, when you disappoint people that really matter to you but remember there is a tomorrow after today just so you could try again just so you could be what you really want to be. Growing up is never easy it is something that we all wished didn't happen but sadly it will days will pas...