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"The Spacies" talks about music their driving force,latest single,adventure sports and more

The Spacies is a electronic music duo band. Ross Lara and Dave Cook, the duo can definitely be called dynamic duo. These two are passionate about music and adventure sports and without doubt great at doing both.Their music has the ability to connect with their listeners at once and keep them asking for more, I can say that with my own experience. Their music is something that has been keeping me sane under all my exam pressure. I was fortune enough to get the opportunity to chat with the ever so charming Ross Lara and Dave Cook who where super awesome to take me on their musical journey. 

Ross Lara and Dave Cook

"The Spacies" is an interesting name to have , what is the story behind it? 
Long story short, we used to be called Kevin & The Spacies, but we received a cease and desist letter from Kevin Spacey, and if youā€™ve ever watched House Of Cards you know that heā€™s terrifying. Needless to say we changed it by shortening it to The Spacies.

Putting aside your individual musical careers and investing so much faith in each other to come up with "The Spacies" was brave, how exactly did the journey for the duo start? 
Weā€™ve been making music together to some degree for close to a decade now, so the decision to start an official project by combining our passions and abilities was actually a pretty easy decision. Weā€™re best friends, so you couldnā€™t ask for better creative chemistry. 

Since you guys are such close friends how much does this help in the process of music making? 
Music is an intimate thing, being in a band is a lot like being in a marriage, it definitely doesnā€™t hurt if youā€™re already friends.

How hard or easy was the whole process of coming out with your first single "Voicesā€? 
It was very natural, actually. We were both extremely inspired by the idea of the song itself and it just kind of happened. Thatā€™s the dream scenario when it comes to songwriting, the song pretty much wrote itself.

With each passing song do you think it becomes more easier, things come more naturally?
Not always, if you have a deadline to meet it can feel forced at times, but we try to stick with the songs that are really inspired and driven by our passions.

Out of all the amazing songs, Lightning Up The Night is one of my favourites, what was the inspiration behind the song?
Thank you. We wrote the song with our label mate, Adara. She and Ross had actually already delivered a beautiful concept, so we collaborated on the rest of the song and it really came to life. 

You guys recorded the video of your latest single "Here & Now" on Colorado Rockies, that is one crazy yet super cool music video, what was the whole idea behind the video?
We did,it was amazing! We love the outdoors and pushing the limits through action sports, so we thought it would be really fun to combine our passions and let that really inspire the creation of the song.

If here and now you guys where given an opportunity do something and check it off your bucket list what would the duo want to do?
There are probably too many things to name, but perhaps a surfing trip to a remote area where we could be inspired by our surroundings to make some pretty awesome music, and the waves wouldnā€™t be bad either.

In terms of music where do you guys picture yourself going? 

What are you guys currently working on?
We currently have about three new tracks in the works. There are always new songs on the table, but weā€™re pretty excited about these ones. We also have a new track we will be releasing very soon. Itā€™s one of our favourites. 

Stay glued to the blog to know more about their upcoming projects and you can also  connect with The Spacies on: 

Ross Lara's twitter page :
Dave Cook's twitter page:


  1. Yo gal, you nailed it!

    Well, i like the way you put questions to #TheSpecies. Kinda way captivating. I believe, if friends're loyal to each other & have same passion toward... 'bout the things they do.. can do things passionately.. to get undone things pretty done. Ross & Dave got same passion ov'r the music so it's kinda way easy (but not so-called easiest) to 'em to string the chords of their passion, artistically. Your questions're seemed very industrious to the tee, no matter what. I come to know many things 'bout #TheSpecies that i ain't know.. (before smoking ya deep down!) hell, i always wondered, why they labeled their band: #TheSpecies .. is there anything done in #space or they banding in space? Ha! Silly me... but your ev'n first question hit the eye of fish, Rub! Yo Gal, you got me! Enjoyed reading the interview you took... excellent.

    ..btw, so what you doin' later tonight, lass? Want mah intro? huh? ah, c'mmon, okay, i'll get you plenty of ice-creams.. No? Okay then... if you take mah, i make sure, i will take your intro.. as well? Whao. Wha... whatttt?? YOUR intro? Whats? I-N-T-R-O?? OMG! Isn't that fast? Damn man! Ha! *Just playing with ya ~~ don't take it personal!*

    Anyways, keep up the great work, pretty!


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