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Five Times August talks about his hit single Better With You, reason for staying unsigned and more

Bradley James Skistimas is Rooted in Dallas an unsigned indie artist with his one-man acoustic pop project Five Times August. What I like about his music is the ability to it to connect to once soul, now that is something that a lot of people can't do. His music has the ability to teleport you to a better place.
Bradley tell us where the whole journey to being this sensational artist that you are today start? 
Well, the whole journey might take a while, maybe I should write a book.But, in a nutshell, I started playing guitar at 11 years old and began writing my own songs when I was about 14 years old. By the end of High School I knew I wanted to be a musician and eventually started Five Times August right before I turned 18. Iā€™m 31 now so itā€™s been quite a long journey, a third of my life.

You started using the title  ā€œFive Times Augustā€ to promote songs rather than your actual name which is very unusual for an artist, didn't you want your name to be everywhere like most artists do? 
It wasnā€™t so much about wanting my name to be everywhere, I just didnā€™t think people would walk away remembering ā€œBrad Skistimas.ā€ Itā€™s a tough last name to remember the first time you hear it and I had so many teachers in school mispronounce it I decided a band name was probably a better identity. My birthday is August 5th and figured since itā€™s a one-man project I would theme it to something personal like that. So I came up with Five Times August and thought it sounded cool and stuck with it.

With your song "Better With You" getting licensed and being used on the reality series Laguna Beach how drastically did things change for you? 
That was the first time my music was ā€œout thereā€ and the Laguna fan base was so huge at the time, it really afforded me the opportunity to start touring the country. I was making real fans for the first time and could see my dreams becoming a reality after that song was featured on the show. Iā€™ll always be grateful for that exposure, it was so important to my career.

With every other artist working towards getting signed, why have you remained unsigned?  Is it been a personal choice? 
When I started Five Times August my goal was to get on a record label. By the time I started meeting with labels, however, it didnā€™t feel like the right thing to do. I was accomplishing things on my own and had heard so many horror stories on artists getting dropped or shelved, I never found the right label and decided to stay independent. Iā€™m still interested in finding a label. The hardest part is relaying to the fans the fact that because I am independent I really need their support and every song or album sale counts. I donā€™t have a bunch of people pushing my music to the radio or anything, so Iā€™m not making big bucks like Taylor Swift or Coldplay. I canā€™t sustain on streaming royalties so as great as Spotify and YouTube are, Iā€™m always hoping every person that connects to the music ultimately decides to buy it on iTunes or get a CD from the website. Those are the things that allow me to be my own label.

From the bands first album The Independent to itā€™s latest single This Too Shall Pass.  How has the journey been? 
Most of the songs on The Independent were written in my early 20ā€™s as a young guy seeking love and writing about personal break ups. Iā€™ve grown up a lot since then. Iā€™m married, have two little boys, toured the country there and back again. I have a lot more life experience in general so my writing is a little more mature now.

It's been almost more than a decade since your journey started,what keeps you going still? 
Honestly, itā€™s just in me to keep going. It will always be my passion to create music and share it with whoever will listen. It doesnā€™t matter if I have 10 fans or millions of fans, Iā€™ll always be doing it.

Your latest single "This Too Shall Pass" what was the inspiration behind it?
It just sort of flowed out of me. Some songs take a while to write and that one in particular was finished in a couple hours, which are usually the best songs anyway. For me, the song is about looking back on life, taking it all in, and being okay that all those things are in the past. The best has yet to come, no matter how difficult times are now or will be. Itā€™s always getting better.

You have performed at so many different places which one place or performance is one that you clearly remember and can never forget?
I got to record in Sun Studio in Memphis in 2008 and again in 2009. Thatā€™s the legendary studio Elvis and Johnny Cash got their start so it was an honour to follow in their footsteps and sing my own songs in the same room so many classics were recorded. Iā€™ll never forget that.

You have had the honour of working with so many great musicians, what is it that you take from these experiences? 
I love working with musicians that are older than me and have ā€œbeen aroundā€ a little longer than I have. Itā€™s like being in school and they always have great stories. Mainly I admire their gift at creating music and their dedication to their instrument. Itā€™s always inspirational to see someone know their instrument so well they can play anything and make it sound like heaven, even if itā€™s just one note.

Tell us more about your much anticipated "The Cover Song Series" which all songs are you planning to take up? 
The Cover Song Series is just an opportunity to choose a song Iā€™ve always loved by someone else and do my own interpretation of it. I think it will be a cool way to let people know what kind of artists I listen to and love. Iā€™m not sure what will be next,but Iā€™ve been covering Fleetwood Macā€™s Landslide for years. It may be time to do a studio version.

What can the fan expect out of Five Times August in 2015?
Iā€™m hoping to release something new every month. Whether itā€™s a cover song, a live E.P., a brand new single, or hopefully a new album. I want to keep you guys interested and entertained. So stay tuned and stay connected.

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