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Jon Cresswell talks about his first gig,inspiring people, lightning the world with music and more

Jon Cresswell is a LA based singer, songwriter. The reason that I connect to Jon's music so much is his ability to inspire. His music has the ability to take his listeners to a better place which not a lot of people can do.  During the interaction that I have had with him I know for sure that music is more than a career option it's something that he feels very passionate about.  

How did the journey to being the singer/songwriter that you are today start?
I fell in love with being able to express myself through songs when I was about 13 years old. There is something special about music and writing a song, It almost gives you permission to say all the things you can't say in a conversation. I fell in love with the idea of fully expressing myself and my ideas through music and I've been writing ever since.

Where and when did your first gig happen?  How was the overall experience?
My first gig ever was at a local small Church playing at a talent show when I was about 15. I played "Amazing Grace" on my Mom's vintage 70's nylon stringed guitar. I honestly sounded terrible but everyone said they loved it so I actually felt super great about it.

Any particular moment or incident that made you even more sure about following music till the end?
Yes. I went through a really difficult time emotionally in 2013 and I lost a lot of things in my life I loved, job, girlfriend, etc. However losing all those things gave me a really awesome perspective on my music and helped me to focus my life more on doing music to encourage and love people in a hurting place. Then and there for me music changed into something more that just a career, it became a mission and it still is to this day. I want to be a light to this world with my music.

How has music helped you grow in the past few years ?
Music has helped me grow in so many ways, expressing my thoughts better, understanding emotion more, learning how to actually manage a business and make a profit off your talent, learning how to step into someone else's shoes and write about them. I'd say things like that have grown me a lot in the past few years.

Your new EP "Gift Wrapped" is a mix of variety of songs

that are refreshing to hear, what was your inspiration behind it?
A lot of the inspiration behind The "Gift Wrapped" Ep was a really difficult breakup I went through. I never really understood how hard it is to give the gift of love to someone and see that person later exchange it for someone else's gift of love. Through that time in my life God inspired me to write all the songs and "For Myself" is the one song that really sings about hope for the future.I later decided to dedicate "Standing To Fall" to my future wife. I think she'll like that.

Out of all the amazing songs that your new EP has, my favorite is "For Myself",  what is the story behind the song?
The story is all about my own selfishness and God revealing it to me in a very loving way. It's about not living for yourself but for something that matters. We spend so much time trying to make ourselves feel complete, excepted, proud, etc. However, without God I personally believe there will always be a hole in our hearts that he can only fill once filled we discover peace in pain, we discover love for those we can't stand. We become selfless not selfish. That what "For Myself" is all about. 

Out of all the songs in Gift Wrapped which one do you think came more naturally to you?

"For Myself" was magical. The song just completely happened randomly while I was actually working and recording a totally different song demo. I suddenly broke into the intro vocal line, moments later I had all the lyrics and the song was done in only a few hours.The rest of the song took weeks and months to finish. But "For Myself" was a special case.

What is this one thing that  you would want to gift wrap and give to someone you love?
My CD of course! ;)

I read this piece about you where you said you decided to become a musician not for what you can get, but instead for what you  could give away. What is that you want to give to your listeners Jon?

I want to offer my listeners the hope, joy, peace, and love that is Jesus Christ has given to me.

What are things that you're currently working on and we all should look forward to? 

My newest single "L.O.V.E" is by far my favorite song I've wrote yet. It will be releasing in the next few months. No date set yet but I presume in the next 4 months, July may be. 

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